"What if it's not everything I dreamed it would be?"
This is a common thought in regard to God's plan for our lives. For some reason, many Christians have a tainted view that God did not have our best in mind when He ordained all of our days in His book before one of them even came to be (Psalm 139:16). However, we must realize that He did, and does, have our best interest in mind. Now we merely "look through a glass dimly," contrasting the circumstances of this life to God's loving character. But one day "we will be face to face," and we will know Him fully. (1 Corinthians 13:12)
We so often fail to see that although our humbling wouldn't be our decision, it's there that God's glory shines brightest. When we want happiness, God instead pushes us toward holiness. While God commands us to be content, we still wish for circumstances that would easily lend way to complacency. We want the crown, but our Father gently reminds us that the cross precedes it. We must ask God to teach us to pray His will, not ours. We must ask Him to continually correct our perspectives, and give us a proper view of our own mortal desires in light of His eternal interest. We must be digging through His Word for solid ground to replace the sandy foundation of our souls' desires.