
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Dark and Gloomy Scenes

"I am deeply sensible in the kind of care of my heavenly Father.... Still, were it not for the support we derive from the Gospel of Jesus, we should be with ready to sink down in despondency, in view of thee dark and gloomy scenes around us. But when we recollect that Jesus has commanded his disciples to carry the Gospel to the heathen, and promised to be with them to the end of the world; that God has promised to give the heathen to his Son for an inheritance, we are encouraged to make a beginning, though in the midst of discouragement, and leave it to Him to grant success, in his own time and way."  {Ann Judson}
Sometimes, complicated and unwanted circumstances and emotions wrap such a tight grip around our minds that our souls struggle to rise above the heaviness on our hearts. It seems impossible to move on, to progress, with the mire of grief, pain, and hurt engulfing our feet. Forget finishing the race-- the next step is even too difficult to defeat. 

But alas, behold! The cross of Christ gleams in the darkness, and our Father is gracious enough to remind us that we are not running the race alone. The scene around us is bleak, but the finish line is yet attainable with the help of a Friend. Strength is renewed in our weary bodies by way of short seasons of rest. Encouragement enters our sore hearts as we glean promises and assurance from the Word. Sustenance is outstretched to our grappling hands as we reach for the provision of a loving Father. Comfort wraps around our wanting minds as we are reminded that we are complete in the finished work of Christ.

Equipped with the gospel, we are enabled to endure life's difficulties and submit to God's commands. In love, we can carry the Gospel to others.We obtain the assurance of a Friend who is with us to the ends of the earth-- both the farthest shore and the last moment in time. Clinging to the promise that the heathen are given to Christ by God as an inheritance, we are armed with boldness and confidence in completing our task of love. We can lead another to a new beginning even in the midst of unforgiving circumstances and lingering emotions. For He who has called us is faithful, and in His goodness, He will bring it to pass.

G.E. (College Sophomore)