Most of us are very busy most of the time, but lately it seems that I, and most of the people I know, have been extra busy and exhausted.
Busyness is a funny thing, because it causes so many different emotions: satisfaction, and accomplishment, along with stress, irritability, etc.
Often, being busy means we have to prioritize and be organized and efficient in order to fulfill all of our responsibilities, needs, and a few wants. We have to eliminate unnecessary things in order to ensure we are able to do the important things.
In many cases, Satan uses busyness as the perfect opportunity to attack. We can be the most vulnerable during times that we are busy, so we must be careful to recognize the attacks the Enemy puts in our path and be able to guard against them.
On the other side, God is using this time to push us and to teach us that we can't "do it all" in our own strength or on our own schedule. We need to rest in the assurance of God's perfect plan and must wait on Him, prayerfully seeking His will throughout our day.
When we are stressed and tired, normally minor irritations become great annoyances. More and more things seem to go wrong, and it seems like we can't catch a break! The burdens increase, the road seems longer, and what's required of us seems so much more unattainable.
Lots of times, we "don't have time" or "are way too tired" to take 15 minutes to read God's Word, pray, or stop to encourage that friend that's going through a hard time. We don't recognize the importance of being still with God, or walking with Him. Rather, we ignore His presence or acknowledge Him for a few seconds as we are on our way to the next thing on our to-do list.
However, quiet time with God is crucial during busy times, as it is then that we are choosing whether to let God use the trials in our lives to draw us closer to Him, or whether to let Satan use them to pull us away from God and think less of Him because of what He is allowing us to go through.
Trials test our faith, proving our relationship with our Creator. The saying goes that you don't really know someone until you've seen them angry, because that's when their true colors show. What shows inside of you when you are put to the test? Do others see your quiet faithfulness and patience, or do they see that you are quick to speak, quick to react, but slow to listen? The pressures of life circumstances don't make you do anything any more than hot water makes tea. It's not the hot water that makes the tea, it's the contents within the tea bag that make the tea. The people around you don't make those curt responses come out of your mouth, the thoughts and meditations of your heart do. If you want to change what's on the outside, start with the inside.
When the pressures of life's journey close the walls around your heart,
When your prayers all go unanswered and you don't know where to start,
When dark clouds block the sunshine, you know you've lost your way,
Turn Around! There is hope! You can hear the Father say;
"Return to Me, there is no other! Return to me for I am God!
I have wiped out your transgressions.
I have washed away your sin.
I have redeemed you. Return to me!
When you passed through raging waters, I was by your side.
When you walked through the fire, I did not let you burn.
When you fell beneath the weight of the cross you had to bear,
When you thought you were abandoned, I was standing there!
Return to Me, there is no other! Return to me for I am God! I have wiped out your transgressions. I have washed away your sin. I have redeemed you. Return to me!"
(Words and Music by Lew King and Barry Lyall)
God is waiting for you to let Him use you in every situation, and He proves faithful in fulfilling His promises. If you let Him bless you, He will! Continuous conversation with your Savior allows you to see His fingerprints in every detail, so take the extra time. Make the extra time! Don't allow yourself to have a full schedule without living a full life.
(HS Senior)
(HS Senior)
"So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."
Psalm 90:12
Wow! That is a good word Mark... I was listening to a speaker today who wascommenting on almost the same thing... He asked have you ever been late to catch a plane? Would you allow the airline to book you on a flight from Dallas to Hawaii with a plane change in L.A.with a layover of 5 minutes?? Ofcourse if your plane was in early , the other plane was a few minutes late and the gates were right next to one another you might make it... But why put yourself through that and schedule your life that way??? When you are late for a plane are you kind to the others in line? Do you stop to help a woman with a few kids navigate security?? Are you thinking about anyone but yourself and the fact that you may miss your flight if things don't go perfectly? No you don't of course... When we get " busy" sometimes we force God out and put self first... And the worst thing about it is that we do it ( schedule our lives like this) on purpose!!
ReplyDeleteGod, please help me to set my priorities with you first!!!
Thanks for the great word Mark!