Have you ever had a circumstance in your life when you thought, "How is this thing good for me? How is this process profitable? Why is this person in my life? Why am I not getting that right now? Why am I getting this right now? How will I get through this?"?
I think if we are honest with ourselves, we would probably all say that we have thought nearly all of those questions, during various circumstances in our lives.
However, as a Christian, I have a just, gracious, merciful God who gives me just what (and when, where, who, and how) I need! Because of who my God is, I can trust that He has my best interest in mind, and will cause things to happen according to His sovereign will (Philippians 1:6)
In His justice, He gives me what I deserve.
In His mercy, He doesn't give me what I deserve.
In His grace, He gives me what I don't deserve.
He puts things and people in my life in just the right way, in just the right place, and at just the right time. Although I cannot always see what is best for myself, I have a Savior who knows my inmost thoughts and needs (Psalm 139).
God knows the people I must have relationships with in order to become more like His Son-- whether they be sweet and kind, or consistently testing my patience.
He knows the things I need (and don't need!) in order to become more like His Son-- whether a thing will bless and provide for me, or will simply become a snare and a stumbling block to my feet.
He knows the exact moment I need to encounter things in life in order to become more like His Son-- whether my persistence for "Today, Lord!" is good, or a time of stillness and waiting would teach me.
He knows the perfect location I need to be in order to become more like His Son-- whether it be the thrust of a raging storm on the sea, or the soothing of a gentle breeze in the desert.
He knows the process I must go through in order to become more like His Son--whether it be a trying and difficult one, or a pleasantly simple one.
I recently had an overwhelming need, and I had figured out the "perfect" way to fulfill it. However, God had a totally different plan of how He would provide for me! I had prayerfully stepped out in faith, acknowledging that I would do my best according to His revealed will, but that I was ultimately trusting Him to provide the way. And surely, He worked! Provision came in way I never expected, from the people I had least anticipated, and at a much later time that I had hoped!
During that time, God was teaching me through His Word, other people, and that experience, that He always provides. He provides in miraculous ways, often countering our expectations, plans, and even hopes.
Our Father always provides, and He always answers our cries. Thankfully, He is still pushing us toward holiness, even while we are striving for happiness.
We must do His revealed will while completely trusting that His sovereign will be done.
GE (College Freshman)
love this grace, you have no idea how much this has helped :)