However, today the Lord has been teaching me some things that I just need to write out and share. I am remembering what was going on last year at this time, how I was in a different season of waiting and was focusing on trusting God and doing the next right thing. As I think back, I looked back at some things that I had written a year ago, including some of the posts on this blog.
Anyway, this is nothing profound, but I just wanted to share with you all a little something. So, a little glimpse into my thoughts lately includes:
~The importance of building spiritual memorials.
Throughout today, I have been thinking back to God's faithfulness, provision, and goodness in my life. I firmly believe that one of the biggest faith-strengtheners is simply recalling God's amazing faithfulness displayed to me personally.
I am reminded once again about the importance of setting up spiritual memorials (Joshua 4:4-7), whether they are written down or not. However, writing them down certainly makes tracing back through them a much simpler task. Not to mention, my memory is certainly aided in recalling all of the beautiful details of God's working.
~The importance of the constant reading of the Word.
Lately, diligence in my daily time in God's Word has truly been a struggle. However, He has been reminding me that my feelings do not change fact, nor do they matter, really! My feeling tired or unworthy or guilty or whatever does not change the fact that I am called to diligently (Hebrews 11:6) pursue my relationship with my God. The Word of God cleanses, convicts, renews, encourages, and equips, and it is God's communication of all that is necessary for life and godliness (2 Peter 1:3).
~The importance of remembering the Cross.
This one is specifically in regard to relationships. I have been repeatedly convicted and reminded that I am a wretched sinner saved by Christ alone through grace alone. When I get a grip of that reality in the perspective of eternity, I am then enabled to love others with the love of Christ. When I am so drenched in the unfathomable love of Christ, I can do none other than pour it out onto all I come in contact with! However, the opposite is true. When I refuse to linger at the foot of the Cross, I lose sight of the reality of the gospel and lack the ability to reflect the complete and perfect love that is shown to me by Christ.
Lord willing, I will be more consistent in posting! At the moment, I'm working on a series about joy-robbers.
And in regard to being overwhelmed, I look back on what I wrote a year ago (and what prompted me to share my thoughts tonight in the first place):
"When my plans are cancelled and God's plans are concealed, I must give thanks, for it is then that He is changing my direction in the order of perfection."
GE (College Freshman)
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