
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dr. Stan Bushey's (99) Questions for Self-Examination

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, 
nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 
But his delight is in the law of the LORD; 
and in his law doth he meditate day and night. 
And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, 
that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither; 
and whatsoever he doeth shall prosper. 
Psalm 1:1-3

February 28th was the 5th anniversary of the homegoing of Dr. Stanley L. Bushey. After  having  taught for 13 years at San Francisco Baptist Theological Seminary and Baptist College and Graduate School of the West, he was a professor for15 years at International Baptist College in Arizona.
Although Dr. Bushey was known as great teacher who had a wonderful sense of humor, he was also known for his wisdom and godly character. I never had the opportunity to sit under his teaching, but many of his former students have told me that he was their favorite professor.

Some months after his death, his wife, Jane, found a handwritten document in her husband's files called "Questions for Self-Examination." The true measure of a man is not what he takes with him but what he leaves behind. Five years after his death, Dr. Bushey is still having an impact, not only in the lives of those he taught, but also with his writings which have survived him. May these practical questions bring blessing and conviction to your heart and soul. You will be challenged and humbled as you read through them. I certainly was.

    Questions for Self-Examination

    1. Is there anything in which I have failed to put God first?

    2. Have my decisions been made after my own wisdom and desires rather than by seeking
        and following God’s will?
    3. Do any of the following in any way interfere with my surrender to God?  
        Ambition, pleasure, loved ones, friendships, desire for recognition, money.

    4. Have I neglected to seek to be pleasing to God in all things?

    5. Do I carry any bitterness toward God?

    6. Have I complained against Him in any way?

    7. Have I been dissatisfied with His provision for me?

    8. Is there in my heart any unwillingness to obey God fully?
    9. Do I have any reservation about what I would or would not do concerning anything that 
        might be His will?

    10. Have I disobeyed some direct leading from Him?

    11. Have I neglected to thank Him for all things – the seemingly bad as well as the good?

    12. Have I virtually called God a liar by doubting His word?

    13. Do I worry?

    14. Is my spiritual temperature based on my feelings instead of the facts of God’s word?

    15. Have I failed to seek the lost for Christ?

    16. Have I failed to witness consistently with my mouth for the Lord Jesus Christ?

    17. Do I ever use the name of God or Christ improperly? How about in slang?

    18. Am I irreverent?

    19. Do I whisper and daydream while the Bible is being read or preached?

    20. Am I irregular in attendance to services?

    21. Do I neglect to attend or participate in meeting for prayer?

    22. Have I neglected or slighted daily private prayer?

    23. Have I neglected God’s word?

    24. Do I find the Bible or prayer uninteresting?

    25. Have I neglected thanksgiving at meals?

    26. Have I neglected a daily time of devotions?

    27. Have I robbed God by withholding time, talent, or money?

    28. Have I given less than 1/10 of my income to God’s work?

    29. Do I take the slightest credit for anything good about me rather than giving all the glory 
           to God?

    30. Have I dishonored Him and hindered His work by criticizing His servants?

    31. Have I failed to pray regularly for my pastor?

    32. Have I been lax in supporting foreign missions in prayer or in offering?

    33. Am I proud?

    34. Are my statements filled with “I”?

    35. Do I have any feeling of being better than others?

    36. Do I find it hard to be corrected?

    37. Are my feelings easily hurt?

    38. Do I feel that I am doing quite well as a Christian?  That I am not so bad?  That I am 
          good enough?

    39. Am I more concerned about what people will think than what will be pleasing to God?

    40. Have I made a pretense of being somebody that I am not?

    41. Am I stubborn?  Do I insist on having my own way?

    42. Do I insist on my rights?

    43. Do I seek for commendation of my deeds and feel hurt if I do not get it?

    44. Do I feel sorry for myself?  Do I have the blues?

    45. Am I self-conscious rather than Christ-conscious?

    46. Do I allow feelings of inferiority in attending to or attempting the things I should in serving 

    47. Am I undependable so that I cannot be trusted with responsibilities in the Lord’s work?

    48. Am I sentimental, allowing my emotions to be served?

    49. Am I reluctant to submit to authority in church work or elsewhere?

    50. Am I lazy?

    51. Am I guilty of any improper relations with the opposite sex?

    52. Do I have personal habits that are not pure?

    53. Do I allow impure thoughts concerning the opposite sex?

    54. Do I read that which is impure or suggestive?

    55. Do I indulge in any impure or suggestive entertainment?

    56. Am I guilty of the lustful look?

    57. Am I in careless with my body, failing to care for it as the temple of the Holy Spirit?

    58. Am I guilty of intemperance in eating or drinking?

    59. Do I have any habits that defile the body?

    60. Is there anyone against whom I hold a grudge?  Anyone I have not forgiven?  Anyone I 
          hate?  Anyone I do not love?  Are there any misunderstandings I am unwilling to forget?

    61. Is there any person against whom I am harboring resentment, bitterness, or jealousy?  
          Anyone I dislike to give praise?

    62. Do I secretly desire evil or misfortune for another?

    63. Am I secretly annoyed over the advancements or accomplishments of another?

    64. Am I guilty of any contention or strife?

    65. Do I quarrel?  Argue?  Or engage in heated discussions?

    66. Am I a partaker in any clicks, divisions, or party-strife?

    67. Am I partisan?  Are there people whom I deliberately spite?

    68. Do I ever (by word or deed) seek to hurt someone?

    69. Do I gossip?

    70. Do I speak unkindly concerning people who are not present?

    71. Do I carry prejudice against true Christians because they are of some different group
          than mine, or because I do not see exactly eye to eye with them?

    72. Do I complain?  Do I find fault?

    73. Do I have a critical attitude toward any person or thing?

    74. Am I irritable or cranky?  How about around home?

    75. Do I get angry?  Do I ever carry hidden anger?

    76. Do I become impatient with others?

    77. Am I ever unkind?

    78. Do I ever address anyone with a term of reproach, calling him an evil name such as 
          “you fool”, or something worse?

    79. Do I do things to get even?

    80. Am I guilty of evil speaking?

    81. Do I tell dirty, suggestive stories?  Do I listen to them?

    82. Do I engage in empty, unprofitable conversation?

    83. Do I ever lie, exaggerate, cheat, or steal?

    84. Do I overcharge, underpay, or skimp in my work?

    85. Have I been careless in payment of my debts?

    86. Have I sought to evade payment of debts?

    87. Do I waste time?

    88. Do I waste time for others?

    89. Have I allowed myself to become spotted by the world?

    90. Is my manner of dress pleasing to God?

    91. Is my standard beyond what is pleasing to God in food, clothing, house furnishings, 
          or anything else?

    92. Do I excessively desire jewels and ornaments?

    93. Do I follow the world in the over-use of makeup?

    94. Are I entangled in any close relationships with the lost?

    95. Do I listen to and watch only edifying media?

    96. Do I read worldly magazines, partake in worldly amusements?

    97. Am I taken up in the cares of this life?

    98. Does my conversation and heart joy over “things” rather than the Lord and His work?

    99. Am I careless in my observance of the laws of the land?

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.
Proverbs 23:7

"God is good all the time; all the time God is good."
Dr. Stanley L. Bushey

The background and print colors have been changed due to request for easier printing.
Please post any comments concerning Dr. Bushey in the comments section below.


  1. Wow.... I have heard all of these before but NOT all at once.... Tough bar to get over.... God, you know my heart ... Help me to be pure and be YOUR man in all of these things...... Amen....
    Thanks for posting PM!
    J K

  2. Thank you for posting! I remember Dr. Bushey living these principles out everyday!
