
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

There’s a World Around You - New Blogger

Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Proverbs 29:18

"There's a world around you!" - This is a phrase that Dad started saying to me when I was in junior high after I would run into someone or do something clumsy. I didn't know what the phrase truly meant, so it irritated me every time he said it. Now that I’ve gotten older I have realize what my dad meant. The meaning behind the phrase was much more than just, "watch where you're going," although that was part of it. Dad was  also trying to tell me, "Enlarge your vision." 

So many times we go throughout our day just thinking of ourselves and whatever is going on in our little bubble. We need to realize that there are many more important things in the world - like people who need our help.  By simply moving out of the way so someone can get through, or opening the door for someone we show that we are aware of the existence of others.  But more importantly, we need to notice the lost souls that are around us; they are crying out for help, and turning to everything the world has to offer but only finding emptiness. We, who know the truth, have a duty to tell them about the real satisfier, Jesus Christ.
Helping the lost is just part of what Proverbs 29:18 means.  It also means be aware of your fellow Christians. If one of them is having a bad day, notice it, and see if you can help. It also means being aware of how what you say and do affects your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Realizing how we affect others will result in a better relationship with other Christians.

I encourage you to let this phrase always be at the forefront of your mind. Make it a reality, a daily part of your life; you will be surprised how it affects your words, actions, even the way you think.  A great song that goes along with this phrase so perfectly is called, “Enlarge my Vision, Lord.”
Enlarge my vision Lord; help me to see a whole vast universe in need of thee!
Increase my love, I pray; cause me to hear the cry of dying souls afar and near.
So prone am I, dear Lord, to dwell within my own secluded realm- forgive my sin!
Enlarge my vision Lord! Teach me to care with thine own heart of love – this is my prayer.
Avis B. Christiansen

First Post by AT 
(High School Junior)


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